Sabtu, 28 April 2018

Catfish Farming Business (usaha budidaya lele)

my friend and me were creating catfish farming business (usaha budidaya lele). We start this business from early january until now. So, our business is 4 months old. We find many obstacles in this business, among other:
1. We don't have enough money capital. All capital from me, and i just rely to salary CPNS every months. At the time, my salary is still small. Because, i am new CPNS. But, i am all out to this business, start from think,money, and hard work. I don't want just as investor and my friend is worker. No!!!... We are the team. We Are Businessman/entrepreneur cultivation catfish.
The first in january, alhamdulilah we just have two fishpond. Media used is "toren bekas", wirh measure 1000 liter. Our equipment to do this business still limited.
2. Many catfish are dead. We studied in book, internet, and other peoples. But, still many are dead.
I don't know, why is it like this?. many factor, maybe i have many sin, my mother less support, or maybe there something are i don't know.
But i belief, someday this business will success, will create job vacancy, will make peoples in village putat nutug and cibeteng muara more prosperous. Aamiiin Ya Rabbal 'Alamin.
From January until april, i have spent money of eight million five hundred thousand.

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